I’m Ryan, and I’m passionate about the transformative power of wonder. I believe wonder fuels evolution, change, and life itself. Whether it’s the curiosity of mystery or the awe of “wow,” I wish we were more addicted to wonder than all the other stuff we are.

But I get it. Religion has stolen a lot of it. Shame has subdued it. Repetition, regulation, and restriction have buried it beneath the dirt of life, causing many to believe it’s left the universe.

But you’re here, and so am I. I’m convinced, together, we can forge new habits (and neurons) and ways of life to live wonder again, not only because I’ve seen it happen over and over, in people from all walks of life, but because I’ve experienced it myself.

So…. let’s chat!


I once watched a video of these lab monkeys being freed. They had been stuck in cages for years, experimented on by people in white coats. It was an absolutely terrible life. But one day, they released the monkeys. They opened up the cages, letting them feel sunlight, run into trees, race across a field of grass. It was epic.

Some of the monkeys bolted. They were so pumped and stoked, they could hardly believe it. They laughed from the top branches of nearby trees. Others sat in the sun, like we do in March after months of gray. You just can't believe that something so vast, so simple, and so free can feel that good. They were loving it.

But some...some just sat by the door. Sunlight? Grass? Trees? They weren’t so sure. “I think I prefer the familiar four white walls and the scientist who brings me my food and pokes me with needles.”

Religion has been an experiment on many of us, poking and prodding us in a nice, tight box. Some grew to love that box. So when someone starts talking about life, mystery, and true freedom, many grip the walls even tighter. “No, thank you.” The cage may hurt, but it feels safe and certain.

But not for you. You left because you know that if there's any kind of God, it’s certainly not safe. Life is not safe. Love is not safe. Wonder is not safe. But it’s real. And as tempting as it may be to get back in that cage, you know that’s not happening.

Your family, friends, habits, beliefs—your entire life might still be there. So this is not easy. But let’s create some space and time to uncover the real you. The one who’s meant to run, to sit in the sun, to jump around in the trees and discover the love, freedom, wonder, and life that’s waiting.

Let’s chat.

Worst case, we’ll share thirty minutes of meaningful conversation. Best case? You might find yourself with a view and smile you never thought possible.

The one who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions.


Copyright ©2024 Ryan Miller

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